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Discover the Power of YOU

Regenerate your body’s cellular function ...

without making it a full time job


Feel Ease and Fulfillment Being Authentic as

an independent thinker in a modern world.

Natural Cosmetics in Petri Dish
Green Juices


Imagine starting your day energized, not from a relentless coffee habit, but because you're truly nourished and at peace.

That's what we're all about here. It's not just about eating right; it’s about feeling right, in a way that fits perfectly into your life.

With 'Super Natural,' we'll tackle stress not just by dodging it; by transforming it.


Learn simple, effective strategies that turn daily challenges into opportunities for growth. And as you grow, watch your world expand—better relationships, more satisfaction at work, and a deeper connection with yourself.


This journey is about NOT settling. It's about embracing a life where you feel valued and vibrant, every single day.

Natural Cosmetics in Petri Dish
DALL·E 2024-01-13 20.01.35 - A heart-shaped formation of the oxytocin molecule, symbolizin

 Join us in


Live Membership Series

Let's Get REAL... Powerful!

Just $297

Imagine effortlessly blending nutrition, relaxation, and self-care into your daily life, transforming your health and happiness without the hassle of strict regimes or overwhelming choices.

You'll Learn How To:

Tidy Up

Four Key Practices that my clients and I use to get mental, emotional, and cellular space.


Use My Streamlined Process to more effectively explore the limitless unique opportunities for your lifestyle persona to really shine.


Learn the One Exclusive Secret; how to functionally integrate your favorite practices into this now reality.


What's Included?


Live Sessions


Day Checklist


Guidebook & Journal


Exclusive Discounts


Don't just believe me! Here's what my clients are saying:


"Seriously, thank you for the support, attention and enlightening little 'downloads'! I finally feel truly heard."


"I can tell my brain function is so much better.. I'm finally able to think more clearly."


"Ok... so these hormones are no joke! Am I allowed to feel this good?! Is this my body??"


"Feeling lighter already!! Loving learning about how all this stuff connects."


"Don't bother just to be better than others. Try to be better than yourself."

-William Faulkner

This is what I'm teaching!

  • How to feel confident in your decision making in every area of your life

  • How to detoxify cells and support efficient energy production

  • Have clarity in who you are

  • Feel ease and authentic fulfillment 

  • New patterns and practices that align with your best life now 

Jenna roots

Why This?

This is my jam! 

I’ve studied this and lived this… a true scientist making epigenetic alchemy one choice at a time…. / Because I really fucking care about sharing what’s functional and aligning with you - who have done everything ‘right’ and realize you might be surrounded with a lot of what feels wrong. / I’ve done it.

I’ve been that teenager disowned from the extended family, that single young mother on welfare while in college, and learning about hormonal balance, our metabolism, creation and perspectives… How we are shaped by epigenetics and how this complicated subject is really a set of small lifestyle understandings unique to you…. Through decades of not only focused education - also in living aligned with every discovery… first hand application of a lifetime of lessons through the lens of functional regeneration through cellular communication. Now living my dream, I live in a secure loving and unconventional marriage where we travel freely and enjoy family time with three gorgeous happy healthy children. There were so many times I felt like I was running in circles… Then work with bio-identical hormones sparked the fire that allowed me to see the communications within our bodies more functionally, and to continue studying this and surrounding effects of metabolism, life experience, and well being in every way possible.. Didactically , experientially, professionally, socially, familially, - holistically for sure… ​ Now it’s about 20 years later and the research continues as the system continues to perform better and better every iteration. This is what I use in my life and 1:1 clients pay $555 a session (AKA it actually functions) and this is the way to dip your toe in to start swimming in your best life sooner than you imagined.  I remember working as a pharmacy technician and going to the WIC center with my infant son to pick up my coupons for literal government cheese, studying medical ethics and questioning everything and now I’m able to be a truly visionary wellbeing consultant creating new perspectives on lifestyle, family, and health which brings me such a deep fulfillment as these practices to enhance our journey continue personally and never overshadow your individual wellness journey.

Jenna roots
Image by Jacalyn Beales

"I’ve gone from overwhelmed to empowered and I can help you take those steps."

Dr. Jenna W. Clack


Tidy Up

Creating Clarity & Space

  • Embrace Interconnectedness

  • Practice Letting Go

  • Reflect and Assess

  • Implement Small, Manageable Changes




Choosing Tools & Resources

  • Focus Your Selections

  • Align with Nature

  • Make Informed Choices

  • Seek Quality and Efficacy

woman making a Zen office environment.jpg

So... HOW does it work??


Integrating & Personalizing

  • Personalize Your Wellness Practices

  • Create a Supportive Environment

  • Build a Routine

  • Celebrate Small Successes

  • Expand and Grow


I know it can seem like a lot

but you know what...

You got this!

And I got you.

It's time to the life we imagine more every day.

Say What??

The path is simple- Yet the distractions,

the endless 'should-dos' can seem oppressive... 

It's time to take charge of your Super Powers, Naturally. Time to make space for All Of You!

Imagine finding true balance on your own terms without having to master decades of expert wellbeing research 

“I knew that there had to be an easier way to know what information is best for my life... this makes everything so much easier to navigate and implement... and
it works for me!!!"

Helen T.

"This is the first week in forever that I don't feel swollen and inflamed. It's almost miraculous... and I'm sleeping again - even waking feeling rested."

Sarah N.

"Thank you for putting it all together. The connections are profound and somehow that makes the effort more empowering. I feel wonderful."

Jayne L.

Click to be the next one celebrating...

 Feeling Truly Super... Naturally!!


Super Natural

Some bits I know you'll love!


Feeling ease and fulfillment without compromising your truth

Gain the tools necessary to truly align with your deepest nature and finally allow the super-version of you to exist... on your terms, and with professional, functional support.


Four (4) Live Sessions

Session 1: Tidy Up - Creating Clarity & Space. - Embrace Interconnectedness: Understand how your physical, mental, and spiritual environments are interconnected, and how decluttering one can positively affect all others. - Practice Letting Go: Learn to release old habits, toxic relationships, and clutter that do not serve your wellbeing, making space for new growth. - Reflect and Assess: Engage in activities that help reflect your inner state by organizing your outer space, reinforcing the 'as within, so without' principle. - Implement Small, Manageable Changes: Start with small, simple steps to declutter and organize, building momentum without feeling overwhelmed.

Session 2: Shop - Choosing Tools & Resources. - Focus Your Selections: Direct your attention to choosing tools and resources that truly meet your needs and support your wellness goals. - Align with Nature: Select natural products and practices that enhance health without causing harm to the environment, embracing sustainability. - Make Informed Choices: Use knowledge from the program to choose wisely, understanding the benefits and potential impacts of each tool on your health. - Seek Quality and Efficacy: Opt for high-quality resources that are proven to be effective, ensuring you invest in the best options available.


Guidebook & Journal

Complete guidebook to optimize and individualize your journey, plus a super functional journal to accompany your practice.


Transforming stress into aligned energy without more pressure

Whether it's your health, career, or personal life, finding harmony can be a challenge. You’ll learn how to balance all aspects of your life effortlessly.

Session 3: Decorate - Integrating & Personalizing. - Personalize Your Wellness Practices: Integrate chosen tools and practices into your daily routine in a way that feels personal and enjoyable. - Create a Supportive Environment: Design your living and working spaces to support your wellness goals, creating an atmosphere that encourages health and productivity. - Build a Routine: Establish routines that incorporate your new tools and practices, ensuring consistency and allowing them to become second nature. - Celebrate Small Successes: Acknowledge and celebrate each step forward in your wellness journey, reinforcing positive changes and maintaining motivation. - Expand and Grow: Continuously build upon what works, adapt practices as needed, and explore new areas for growth to keep your wellness journey dynamic and evolving.

Session 4: Q & A (w/ customized content + bonus tips/tricks)


Valued at $2,220!!

Now ONLY $297

Hola Hola !!

My name is Jenna W. Clack


Jenna W. Clack is a scientist, lifestyle consultant, business owner and expert in bio-identical hormones. She is a dynamic personality that proudly lives her life according to aligned and spiritual beliefs. With a PharmD and advanced fellowship in anti-aging, metabolic and functional medicine (FAAMFM, ABAAHP), Jenna has devoted her career to empowering individuals to achieve vibrant health and vitality.

Her journey began with a strong foundation in pharmaceutical science and independent compounding pharmacy, where she was able to expand into the realm of epigenetics, quantum biophysics and spiritual consciousness via oxytocin and other forms of individualized medicine. Her unique, 1:1 approach utilizes the latest scientific discoveries along with personalized, transformative experiences in order to provide her clientele with hormonal balance and harmony. Through her personalized consultations and workshops, Jenna has been able to provide a variety of professional wellness solutions, ranging from individual consultations all the way to group lectures. One of her greatest strengths lies in her ability to intuitively translate complex, scientific data into quantifiable human terms. Hormones can be an extremely complicated subject, and Jenna's advanced education and experience enable her to provide an entirely new perspective on overall health and wellness. You can learn more about Jenna, her business and all current offerings at


Grow Your Vision

"Incremental changes lead to significant results."

-Robert Maurer


& Why Though...

My Journey to 'SuperNatural' Living


Throughout my life, I've explored multiple paths—the 'right' way, the logical way, and yes, even the rebellious way. My passion for a deeper, artistic expression of lifestyle has always been driven by a profound connection to science, which has become my language of transformation.

From my early days working in a compounding lab, where my fascination with organic chemistry and bio-identical molecules began, to my profound engagement with the principles of epigenetics—every step has deepened my understanding that well-being is more than a state of health; it's a feeling that permeates our existence.

The most transformative experiences in life are often those that cannot be fully replicated or expressed, but they can be shared through systems designed to transmit and transform knowledge. This is where my focus and dedication have been—creating accessible pathways for others to experience their own transformation.

This Offer: Your Pathway to Empowered Well-being

I've designed this offer to eliminate excuses and pave the way for actionable, functional steps towards all that you desire, without janky shortcuts. This program is about clear implementation, enabling me to support the lightworkers among us, helping you shine in your own natural light.

You don't need to spend years in school or countless hours in research; you can leverage the best of what works and feel confident in its mechanisms and applications. There’s nothing more rewarding than watching someone commit to self-improvement with tools that truly work. That's what this is all about!

YOU... SuperNaturally.

You'll Also Get

In addition to all that's been mentioned already...

Exclusive Online Community

Special Discount(s)

Secret (archived) Content

Image by Quino Al

Let's be SUPER ... Naturally.

I'm Obviously IN!

Are You Ready  to Embrace Your Inner-Nature and Supercharge Your Life?

WITHOUT ANY Added Drama??

except maybe the fun kind

Sign-up for SuperNatural & You'll Receive:


Access to Four Live, Expert-Led Educational Sessions


Customized 30-Day SuperNatural Checklist 


Clarity, Confidence & Autonomy in WellBeing


Guide Book &

 Supporting Journal 


Special Discounts & Exclusive Community


You can do this!

I get that it can feel like the scariest thing in the world to take steps toward your truest lifetime. It’s like walking on water… and you can do it! It helps enormously to have a steady, simple and functional outline with real support to turn the ‘scary’ into exciting. Hold on and Step Into something truly SuperNatural!!


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How is this different from other wellness programs? - Supernatural is a functional wellness event focusing on the individual, with emphasis on creating an expansive knowledge base, - Choice is at the top of it and informed choice is what we empower - Advanced education and experience (consulting, scientific, and lifestyle) - Easily accessible and full of helpful ways to incorporate skills now and build throughout the program - Compassionate accountability with tools and support - A completely new perspective from the main stream… this is the ahead of the curve stuff (a4m- anti-aging usually at least 17 years ahead of traditional medicine) - Plus all these precision medicine concepts are presented in a way that makes this journey easy for anyone and personalized for you by you using the resources and information provided

Q: Who will be leading the program? What are their credentials? - Dr. Jenna W. Clack, aka JDubyaONE, aka Dr. Quantum Limitless, is a Doctor of Pharmacy and a board certified member of Anti-Aging & Regnerative Medicine. She has been consulting on individualized wellness and specializing in hormones for over a decade now.

Q: What is the time commitment for this program? - There are FOUR Live (1 hour long each) sessions (these can be viewed at any time after the initial event) - Your commitment to self, beyond that goes where you allow - We suggest starting with 20 min/day minimum to incorporate skills and resources gained during the sessions

Q: What is the cost of the program? Are there payment plans available? - The Early Bird special price of $97 is available through July 11th - Regular price is $297 - And Yes! There are payment plans available on the checkout page.

Q: What results can I realistically expect, and how soon? - Shifts happen within the first week and by the end of the program you will have a new clarity on your existence this lifetime that will continue to grow as you apply the principles and skills learned

Q: What exactly will I learn in the SuperNatural program? - How to feel confident in your decision making in literally every area of your life - How to detoxify cells and support efficient energy production - Have clarity in who you are - Feel ease and authentic fulfillment - New patterns and practices that align with your best life now -Guide / Checklist / Live Sessions / Facebook group / Special Discounts

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Inside SuperNatural

"When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world."

– John Muir

Enhanced Physical Health

Emotional & Mental Wellbeing

Spiritual Growth

Jenna roots

Increased Self-Awareness

Community and Support

Tools for Sustainable Lifestyle Changes


"Your outer journey may contain a million steps; your inner journey only has one: the step you are taking right now."

 Eckhart Tolle

What They're Saying...

“This just connected so many dots for me! All this time in healthcare and now I can do something with my health for real."

Jason M.

"It's true.. every word just makes so much sense. Thank you for listening to me and for working your magic."

Amber E.

“I wasn't crazy, I just didn't have the most relevant information. Understanding how all these areas of life connect seems obvious now! I feel eager to keep learning now; lol!”

Hanna P.


For real though!

This is your reality.

Imagine feeling absolutely super, naturally… without modified molecules or strict protocols... Imagine feeling absolutely confident in the choices you make everyday with the knowing that you are living in alignment with your desired reality, feeling into effortless wellbeing, and allowing your cells to detoxify, repair and regenerate. 

Imagine feeling truly relaxed and in love with being you more and more everyday without any more effort or judgement. You don't have to imagine... it's time to realize that you are truly SuperNatural! 

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